Strengthen your ability to lead in change through

Mastering Change Leadership

About the course

Leading in change is not always easy, but there are ways to equip yourself as a leader and strengthen your ability to confidently navigate the increasingly complex reality we live in.

Mastering Change Leadership

This leadership course will strengthen you in your role when leading in change. By enhancing your own awareness, building more competence in the area, developing stronger strategies when leading in change, you will learn to handle difficulties along the way, strengthen your confidence in a way that not only improves your own change experience but also your employees’ change experience. We will equip you with tools, share best practice and you will get the opportunity to network and share experiences with other leaders.

Course information

When: On request

How: Hybrid training format (In Person / Online). 

In total 8 days including  two days in person training,  digital learning teams,  self studies, individual coaching and a digital learning platform with tasks and tools for ongoing interaction.

Who: This course is designed for managers at different levels. 

Where: Hybrid

Price: On request

You will obtain the following:

Course Outline

The course offers a three-month learning journey, combining digital and in-person meetings. In addition to instructor-led sessions, you will engage in assignments tailored to enhance your learning. We conclude with individual coaching that provides the opportunity to 1) deepen areas you want to strengthen and 2) develop your own action plan for your continued work.

Course Change Leadershio Mastery Improviate

Introduction & kick-off

3 hours digital workshop

Leading in Change 1

2 days (incl. hotel)

Leading in change 2

4 hours digital workshop

1:1 coaching

Individual coaching 1,5 hour

Who should attend?

This course is designed for managers at different levels. Whether you are a team manager, middle manager, or senior manager, it aims to enhance your leadership skills when leading in change.

Strengthen your ability to lead in change

Why Improviate?

  • We know change! We drive the dicipline, and we focus on people.
  • We are specialists in change management with great knowledge in theory and practice. Our senior consultants have certified over a thousand change practicioners, managers and executive leaders from large international companies to smaller businesses.
  • We base our appraoch on insights from research that we connect and transform into practical
    application for the business.
  • Our customers are from a wide range of industries and we ensure a big library of real-life examples.

For more information

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